BCI Environment

                 Biotechnology, concept and innovation for the environment


                                                                      Who are we ? 

                                                                                                                                               BCI Environnement Biotechnologie (Concept and Innovation for the Environment) is a Swiss company based in the canton of Vaud. 

We design efficient, ecological and sustainable solutions using the power of specific and selected microorganisms, nesting on mineral supports.                                                                                                                       These are part of Class 1 of the Classification of microorganisms according to European Directive 2000/54 /EC (not dangerous for humans and the environment and without genetic modification). 
For each concept, BCI Environnement designs and develops simple and adapted application protocols in many areas such as,
  • Sanitation of domestic and industrial wastewater, 
  • Treatment of wastewater from kitchens in pipes and grease separators, 
  • Accelerated composting of organic food waste, 
  • Restoration of polluted aquatic environments. 

We work mainly in Switzerland and France as well as certain African countries, where some of our concepts are being tested, particularly in the context of individual sanitation in precarious living situations.
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